R2: Intervention Summary
A key reference document summarising the potential on-Reef interventions and how they were identified.
A key reference document summarising the potential on-Reef interventions and how they were identified.
Findings of a representative survey of Australians, industry and stakeholder interviews and scoping the issues and needs of Traditional Owners.
The complexity and gaps to be addressed in the regulatory environment for restoration and adaptation R&D and activities in the Great Barrier Reef.
Environmental and economic modelling of proposed Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program interventions and recommendations for intervention strategies.
The potential interventions investigated by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program; knowledge gaps in understanding benefits, risks and feasibility.
The recommended Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program Research and Development Plan to deliver a suite of reef restoration and adaptation interventions.
Summary of the current global knowledge of coral restoration methods and practises, highlighting the common issues encountered as the field has evolved.
Recommendations to foster international collaboration in reef restoration science, training and implementation and achieving globally-beneficial outcomes.
Possible delivery methods for the proposed Reef interventions, analysing cost and scale implications for each, and identifying potential synergies and efficiencies.
The recommended optimal governance structure and management systems for the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program Research and Development effort.
Preliminary results of ecological modelling and analyses of the likely trajectories of coral condition over time under climate change, with and without intervention.
Discussions on how the broader decision-support system needs will be met were continuing at the time of the release of the RRAP reports and involve multiple stakeholders and research providers. Given this, the recommendations in this report are now obsolete.
Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program
The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program respects and recognises all Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef as First Nations Peoples holding the hopes, dreams, traditions and cultures of the Reef.
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