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Stabilisation by natural bonding

Rubble Stabilisation

Rubble stabilisation Coral rubble field on the Great Barrier Reef. Credit: Peter Mumby  The RRAP Rubble Stabilisation R&D Subprogram is investigating methods to stabilise damaged


Cryopreservation Jon Daly cryopreserving coral spawn, Heron Island Research Station. Photo credit: Gary Cranitch  The RRAP Cryopreservation R&D Subprogram aims to deliver the important capability

Moving Corals

Moving Corals Floating pools during larval release onto degraded reef patches Photo: SCU Coral restoration using larval seeding aims to speed the return of coral

Coral monitoring on Erub Island

Stakeholder and Traditional Owner Engagement

Stakeholder and Traditional Owner Engagement Coral monitoring on Erub Island. Photo: Tristan Simpson. A fundamental principle of RRAP is to work closely with Great Barrier

Translation to Deployment

Translation to Deployment In order to transition RRAP interventions from research and development to deployment we must ensure the technology, logistics, regulatory approvals and community