Project Manager, CSIRO
Anthea is a researcher with CSIRO’s Oceans and Atmosphere Business Unit. Working for CSIRO since 2000, Anthea is a marine ecologist who works on fisheries management and marine conservation planning.
She is currently working on a number of projects where her tasks include: project management and logistics, database management, data QA, analyses, stereo camera data processing, report collation, at-sea field work and fish identification and sorting. She often has the project manager and data manager roles in her teams and contributes widely to analysis of data used to inform stakeholders.
Some of the long-term projects she works on include Northern Prawn Fishery Monitoring, Gulf of Papua Bycatch Description and Risk Assessment, and Ningaloo Outlook 2: Whale Sharks.
Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program
The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program respects and recognises all Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef as First Nations Peoples holding the hopes, dreams, traditions and cultures of the Reef.
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