Research Leadership

Tom Baldock

Tom Baldock

Rubble Stabilisation co-lead

Professor Tom Baldock obtained a Bachelor of Engineering (1990) and PhD (1995) from the Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, London. He taught at Imperial College for two years before moving to Australia in 2002. He teaches Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Engineering and Coastal Engineering. His research is primarily in the field of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, but also encompasses renewable energy and higher education. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Coastal Engineering and a member of Engineers Australia National Committee Coastal and Ocean (Australia). His research covers surf zones, wave run-up and overtopping, coral reef hydrodynamics and tsunami impacts. He has worked on multi-national projects such as the World Bank/GEF CCRES project and on the feasibility study for the possible relocation of the Taro Island community to the Choiseul mainland in the Solomon Islands.