Research Team

Dr Luke Nothdurft


Luke Nothdurft is primarily a carbonate sedimentologist with a broad range of research skills. His focus has been in marine geology/biology, sedimentology, geochemistry, palaeontology, and geomicrobiology and geomorphology with an emphasis on modern and ancient carbonate systems. Recently, he has investigated the geomorphic and sedimentologic development of coral reef ecosystems during sea level change in the Holocene and Quaternary periods on the Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay; the use of scleractinian corals and other biogenic carbonates for palaeoclimate studies for facies analysis and climate analyses; diagenesis over geological and recent time periods using techniques from sedimentology, microbiology and geochemistry to improve the quality of palaeoclimate records and coral dates; and carbonate geochemistry in both modern and ancient systems.