T6: Modelling Methods and Findings
Preliminary results of ecological modelling and analyses of the likely trajectories of coral condition over time under climate change, with and without intervention.
Preliminary results of ecological modelling and analyses of the likely trajectories of coral condition over time under climate change, with and without intervention.
Discussions on how the broader decision-support system needs will be met were continuing at the time of the release of the RRAP reports and involve multiple stakeholders and research providers. Given this, the recommendations in this report are now obsolete.
Cost-benefit analysis of proposed Reef interventions, in different climate scenarios, in different combinations, to understand trade-offs and optimise decisions.
Combining economic data with forecast coral condition to estimate current and future benefits of proposed interventions, under different climate change scenarios.
Engineering concepts for systems to grow and deploy new corals on the Reef, at scale, as researched and developed by the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program.
Modelling to investigate cold-water injection as a potential intervention, to cool reef waters and help prevent thermal stress, which can lead to coral bleaching.
The potential benefits of ultra-thin surface films as a Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program intervention to cool and shade coral reefs, using eReefs modelling.
Using modelling to investigate potential benefits of large-scale solar radiation management interventions to cool and shade the Great Barrier Reef.
Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program
The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program respects and recognises all Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef as First Nations Peoples holding the hopes, dreams, traditions and cultures of the Reef.
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